Our mission
To be a catalyst for His work in breathing new life into His Church for His glory. In this work, our priorities include the centrality of the gospel of Christ and being surrendered to the Spirit of God.

Our vision
To see world-wide transformation of His Church.
Replanting & Revitalization
A Replant is born out of a decision to close an existing church and relaunch as a new church which includes new leadership, name, identity, governance, ministry approach and philosophy of ministry. In some cases, if the denominational label is a hindrance, that may be shed as well. A replant builds on and celebrates the prior legacy of the church while committing itself unequivocally to the future. In many cases, a replant will utilize a transition team to handle daily decisions of the body until new leadership is in place. In most cases, the replant offers a break with the past and a fresh start for the future. (Launch date) The new identity can create momentum and interest in the community.
A Revitalization is a deliberate and protracted effort to reverse the decline of an existing church.
Revitalization is the least invasive approach since few changes are made up front. Revitalization utilizes existing structure and often leadership. It may be led by an existing or new pastor and requires a great deal of time as the pace of change is much slower than a replant. Revitalizations are often viewed as high risk because the church may reject the efforts of the pastor or leadership. A Revitalization effort is a better fit for a church in decline or plateaued and is not a solution for a church facing imminent closure. In a Revitalization initiative, one of the primary goals is to help the partner church become the best version of itself for God’s glory.
What We Believe
While we believe it is vital that the elders of each of local churches determine where they stand on doctrines of second importance, we do wish to make known our guiding convictions on the following six theological and missiological values:
- Gospel centrality in all of life and ministry
- The sovereignty of God in saving sinners
- The work of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry
- Servant-hearted complementarianism
- The local church as God’s primary mission strategy
- The primacy of the local church in training and commissioning church planters and replanters